Language and Culture = Global Citizens Working Locally
How do the language and culture skills that LCSL programs cultivate enrich UIC students' lives and connect to their educational and career aspirations? Language students explain how learning about language and culture is important to their personal lives and professional goals.
Video Response Heading link

Biochemistry + Arabic Heading link
My language and culture made me who I am today and inspired me to pursue my career and my major. My ancestors were familiar with natural products and their use as medicines and I was inspired by them, so I decided to pursue my career in making medicines from natural products. I love learning Arabic because I get to read Arabic from historical buildings and books. And learning Arabic at UIC made me communicate with people from the Middle East and learn about their cultures.

Electrical Engineering + Chinese Heading link
Mandarin has opened up many opportunities in my life and led me to a plethora of wonderful experiences, including teaching Mandarin to students at my high school and surrounding schools. I’ve made a lot of friends with the large number of Chinese students at UIC. I’ve recently picked up Russian out of genuine interest of the language, and I know it will be difficult, but I’ve never been afraid of a challenge.

Biology + French Heading link
I am a biology major on the pre-med track; since I know three languages (French, Creole, English), I will be able to work with doctors who speak other languages and go abroad to take care of patients.

Public Policy and Criminology, Law, and Justice + German Heading link
I have been able to combine my interests in Public Policy and Germanic Studies with my LASURI project, “German Housing Policy After 1990: Looking Back to the Past to Help Look Forward.” I have been studying German for four years here at UIC, and I have seen my language skills blossom.

Psychology + Italian Heading link
My major is psychology, so I have to speak with diverse groups of people, including adults and children. Learning Italian has helped me build communication skills and practice interacting with other communities.

Integrated Health Sciences + Polish Heading link
I want to become a Family Physician to provide care for Polish patients in the Chicagoland area. With Chicago having the highest Polish population outside of Poland, many Polish people do not have adequate access to healthcare as they cannot advocate for themselves. I have seen this firsthand through volunteering at the Community Health clinic as a Polish Volunteer Medical Interpreter. I hope that my actions inspire other members of my community to remain connected to their cultures and build on the knowledge they have of their language, culture, and history.

Psychology and Biological Science + Spanish Heading link
I am currently learning Spanish, and while I do not have any Spanish background or any Spanish heritage, I find it interesting because Chicago has a large population that speaks Spanish, so it’s nice to get connected to that culture and to that part of the city of Chicago’s general culture. Furthermore, I want to go into the health profession for a career and I’m planning on staying in the Chicagoland area as I do; so, with the large amount of people who speak Spanish, it would help me with treating them and doing better in my career.