2.21.2020 – Ariana on La musica italiana: the greatest perk of learning Italian
2.21.2020 - Ariana on La musica italiana: the greatest perk of learning Italian Heading link

Italian culture is thoroughly a beautiful one–the food, the landmarks, the music. Italian music has produced some of the most influential international artists, such as Mina, Andrea Bocelli, Fabrizio D’Andre – and now, Ghali.
Ghali is an Italian pop singer and rapper of Tunisian descent who has gained rapid popularity throughout Europe and Africa, and his fame is now spreading to the United States. His music comments on immigration, racism, growing up in poverty, and the complexities of Italian culture. Though his songs are written predominantly in Italian, he also utilizes Arabic, French, and English in songs like “Wily Wily” and “Boulevard”.
If you’re looking for proof that understanding Italian music is one of the greatest benefits of learning the Italian language, just give “Cara Italia” by Ghali a listen and find out why “cara italia è la [sua] dolce meta.”
To find out more about Ghali and practice reading in Italian, here is an interview he attended for RockIt.
– Ariana