3.12.2021 – Mautise on Beginning French Peer Tutoring
3.12.2021 - Mautise on Beginning French Peer Tutoring Heading link

Today is my second day as a French Peer tutor. I still have not had any students come into my tutoring session yet. I got to say I am a little nervous about what will happen when a student does come in, I know this is just in my mind, but I just want to be a good tutor and I do not want to disappoint. On the other hand, I cannot wait to have my first student and my first tutoring experience.
My worries dissipate once I remember why I’m a French Tutor. It started because I had forgotten my native language, Haitian Creole and I wanted to reconnect with Haitian roots but I ended up staying in French because I love the French language, how beautiful it sounds, and I have had such an enjoyable time learning French. I’m not a tutor because I want to learn French because I forgot Haitian Creole, I’m a tutor because I love French and want others to love it too. Once I have my first student I hope to immerse them in French so they in a sense fall in love with learning the language as much as I do.